Special Offer

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In the meantime take a look at this unique opportunity to drive even more business over the coming days, weeks and months …

Premium Advertising Listings

As part of our community support for local businesses in the Swansea area we have put together the BEST advertising package EVER!

Facebook Video Advertising & Google Remarketing

For Just £1.32 per day!

We want you to have the best year ever and that starts by placing your business in front of potential customers in the Swansea, Llanelli, Neath & Port Talbot areas every day.




  • Free Listing

  • Top 6 Listing In Category

  • Featured in Facebook Video Adverting

  • Area Targeted: Swansea

  • Area Targeted: Llanelli

  • Area Targeted: Neath

  • Area Targeted: Port Talbot

  • FREE Remarketing On Google

  • FREE Marketing Training

  • Members Only - Facebook Marketing Group



  • Featured Listing

  • Top 6 Listing In Category

  • Featured in Facebook Video Adverting

  • Area Targeted: Swansea

  • Area Targeted: Llanelli

  • Area Targeted: Neath

  • Area Targeted: Port Talbot

  • FREE Remarketing On Google

  • FREE Marketing Training

  • Members Only - Facebook Marketing Group

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