Enterprise Insurance Services Ltd

Tawe Business Village, Swansea Enterprise Park, 22 Phoenix Way, Bon-y-maen, Swansea SA7 9LA, UK

About Enterprise Insurance Services Ltd

Business Combined:
Buildings or tenants improvements
Machinery, plant, contents
Stock, work in progress and Customer Goods
Business Intemption
Employers Liability
Public & Products Liability
Property in Transit
Legal Expenses
Directors and Officers Liability
Bad Debts
Fidelity Guarantee

Professional Indemnity:
Enterprise insurance has long specialised in arranging and advising on Professional Indemnity Insurance for any firm that provides advice or designs for a fee, for a wide range of professions.

These include architects, surveyors, engineers, IT consultants, estate agents, management consultants and many others.

Haulage Contractors:
Haulage-ContractorsEnterprise Insurance is by far Wales’ largest Insurance Broker in this sector.

We have achieved this by assisting our clients to manage their risk exposure and their claims experience year in – year out.

Motor Trade:
Motor TradeYet again Enterprise Insurance is Wales’ largest insurance broker in this sector.

Enterprise Insurance Services Ltd

Our Address

Tawe Business Village, Swansea Enterprise Park, 22 Phoenix Way, Bon-y-maen, Swansea SA7 9LA, UK

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