Our specialist vehicle insurance includes the benefits that are important to you including, amongst others, no administration fees, home breakdown assistance, ‘Agreed Value’, as well as free and automatic return of cherished salvage (on all vehicles over 20 years of age).
We enjoy close working relationships with some of the UK's most prestigious vehicle clubs and their members. For example, the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club and the Bentley Drivers Club, directly engaging with the clubs and their members via attendance at events, meetings and providing sponsorship.
One of our 'hidden benefits' is the fact that we do not charge any policy administration fees. Some of our competitors typically charge from £10 to £35 for making the simplest amendment to an insurance policy.
With a proven passion for specialist vehicles, you can be confident that by arranging your insurance with RH, your specialist vehicle, whether it is an Austin 7, Ford Mustang, Brough Superior or a Willys Jeep.