Sally Goldstone Family Law

108 Walter Rd, Swansea SA1 5QQ, UK

About Sally Goldstone Family Law

Divorce and relationship breakdown have often been compared with bereavement and dealing with issues arising from the end of a relationship can be very upsetting.

Our philosophy, wherever possible, is to resolve matters without unnecessarily increasing acrimony between the parties. We encourage dialogue where appropriate, and actively engage in negotiation in an attempt to resolve matters in an appropriate and cost-effective way.

Of course negotiation can only lead to agreement if both parties are willing to co-operate. Where no co-operation is possible the court process must be followed to achieve a resolution of matters and we adopt a robust approach to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients.

Sally Goldstone Family Law

Our Address

108 Walter Rd, Swansea SA1 5QQ, UK

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